In another illuminating product spotlight, today we’re looking at reishi (Ganoderma lucidum). With a long history in traditional medicine, reishi remains popular now, and could be even more so in the future. Together, let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of this amazing mushroom. From relieving stress, to supporting a good night’s sleep, and even balancing your immune system and hormonal levels, reishi is one of our most popular mushroom products for good reason.
So let’s take a look at reishi now! You can also learn more about this and other mushrooms in our other blog posts.
NOTE: Reishi mushrooms can affect blood clotting. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking other medications.
The Legacy of Reishi
Reishi mushroom (also known by the names XXXXXXXX), has a history that spanned both centuries and empires. To the Xia Dynasty Chinese (2100 BC – 1600 BC), it was lingzhi, the “elixir of immortality.” There is even evidence to suggest reishi was foraged by people during the Neolithic era, as far back as 6,800 BC.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), reishi is used in various ways, but especially in preparations to enhance vitality, restore balance to the body, and promote longevity. It even earned the nickname “herb of spiritual potency” and was eventually associated with royalty.
Could these ancient people recognize that those who ate reishi regularly seemed to be healthier and enjoy greater longevity? Today, modern science has validated many of these ancient claims, confirming Reishi’s status as a potent adaptogen and wellness ally.
Reishi Ecology
Wild reishi is rare, and was difficult to forage in any large quantity. Before cultivation, this rarity may have boosted its reputation, as only the wealthiest could afford it. It thrives in the hot and humid tropical regions of the East, and in North America it primarily lives on both living and dead hardwoods.
Reishi is a type of bracket fungi, making it a vital part of its ecosystem. Reishi breaks down fallen wood, and cycles its carbon and other compounds back into the soil and habitat.
The Benefits of Reishi Mushroom Extract
Stress Relief and Relaxation
With so many demands on our time, stress has become a near constant in most people’s lives. But this ever-present stress doesn’t just affect your mind and mood (though it does) it also takes a toll on your body. Fortunately, reishi may have substantial benefits for relaxation and recovery.
Reishi appears able to calm the body’s stress response after being heightened. With these adaptogenic properties, reishi helps bring a stressed system back into harmony (homeostasis), and can actually help improve the body’s stress response over time. And so like many natural products, reishi isn’t just an immediate fix, but can actually pay lasting dividends.
Support for Healthy Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential for pretty much every category of health and wellness. So why do so many of us struggle to sleep, or get poor quality rest? Reishi’s calming effects may be just the thing to soothe the mind and relax the body for natural sleep. Reishi appears to support a natural sleep cycle by supporting certain neurotransmitters, and has been used by outdoor athletes for years to promote recovery. You can learn more about the restorative power of reishi and other mushrooms here.
Immune Support and Vitality
A strong immune system is the foundation for wellness. A healthy immune system response is vital for your body’s frontline against illness, and for maintaining your healthy lifestyle. Reishi appears to be a powerful ally in immune support thanks to a rich, complex array of bioactive compounds. Beta-glucans, polysaccharides, and triterpenes are just some of the many compounds found in reishi. Together, they work in synergy, and interact with your body’s immune system to promote resilience.
Hormonal Harmony
Hormones are an incredibly complex system that help control nearly every aspect of your body. Many of these interactions we are only now just beginning to understand. Unfortunately, more of us than ever seem to be suffering the effects of hormone issues, whether temporary hormone imbalances, or other longer-term issues. Hormone balancing is critical for both men and women, and reishi’s adaptogenic properties may help to support healthy hormone levels, balance your adrenals, And promote an overall greater sense of harmony and vitality.
Benefits for Outdoor Enthusiasts
As passionate outdoor enthusiasts, we’ve trusted reishi for years, and introduced it to many of our climbing and camping buddies. When you’re out in nature, maintaining performance and resilience is essential for fully enjoying our time in the great outdoors. For supporting stamina, a healthy immune system, and recovery after exercise, reishi deserves a spot on your next packing list.
Adding Reishi Into Your Wellness Routine
At WholeSun Wellness, we’ve built our business on providing the highest quality reishi mushroom capsules and extract available. Our products are made from pure fruiting body extracts, grown on their native hardwoods and never on grain. And our reishi Pure MeceliumTM is grown and fermented in an industry-leading process, so you can enjoy the full spectrum of fantastic fungi benefits. Whether you choose reishi mushroom capsules for convenience, or a scoopable powder, our potent extracts make it easy to incorporate the benefits of reishi into your daily routine.
Reishi mushroom benefits are some of the most diverse and recognized of any mushroom species. For thousands of years, it’s been a cornerstone of holistic, natural wellness. From stress relief to immune support, reishi is a versatile addition to just about any wellness program. And with pure, convenient, and transparent reishi extract, WholeSun Wellness Reishi wants to be your trusted go-to source.